Monday, 23 April 2012

Tangled Memories-Elderly Mother-Experience

With Alzheimer’s, tangled memories may be culprit in skewed stories

If you've ever talked with someone who has shared an experience with you, but remembers the details very differently than you do, your circumstances are not unusual. Individuals tend to view each experience through a unique lens, because we are shaped by our past experiences, and perhaps our genes. read more..

Daughter wants to improve quality of life for elderly mother who has become blind

Dear Carol: My 76-year-old mother has lost her vision, and is easily bored. She used to knit and read, but now she's only able to listen to TV. Her thinking and reasoning abilities have decreased dramatically since losing her sight. I often read to her which she enjoys. How else can I help stimulate her interest in life? - Karen read more..

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