Sunday, 18 March 2012

Dementia Patients-Communication-Alzheimer

Alzheimer's and Dementia News Digest 121

We own a nursing home. While it currently serves dementia patients, we are not qualified to house Alzheimer's...
The Alzheimer's Reading Room is the number one source of life news for the entire Alzheimer's community. Our goal is to Educate, sometimes Entertain, and Empower Alzheimers caregivers and their families worldwide. read more..

Using Good Communication as An Effective Alzheimer's Caregiving Tool

Have you taken the time to consider that the way you communicate can have an impact on a person that is deeply...
The Alzheimer's Reading Room is the number one source of life news for the entire Alzheimer's community. Our goal is to Educate, sometimes Entertain, and Empower Alzheimers caregivers and their families worldwide. read more..

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